coffins moving
creepy noises
nothing found
bodies added
sealed again
coffins moved
now is this sane?
crypt inspected
nothing much
vault re-sealed
and left untouched
in fear all gather
slightest noise
prepare to scatter
sealed again
and marked by hand
the eerie floor
sprinkled with sand
lo! and behold
when opened wide
the leaden coffins
tossed aside
no fissure found
no fault, no track
no footprint there
no hairline crack
onlookers then
with puzzled faces
wondered what
befell the Chases
problem solved
each Chase removed
fears dissolved
and nerves all soothed
buried deep
within a grave
each fighting Chase
no more to rave
and to this day
the vault unused
stands on display;
a spirit’s muse.